Cat Grooming

Brush: check
Flea comb: check
Nail clippers: check
Otoscope: check

Look's like we're all ready to toss the cat in the tub!

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Jetta: Labrador Cross

One of the many sweet dogs I worked with from the animal shelter while in school.
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A photo taken when I stopped on my way from Auburn to Yakima back in 2008.
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A Marshwiggle's View

"Why, it's not in reason that you should like our sort of victuals, though I've no doubt you'll put a bold face on it. All the same, while I am a catching them, if you two could try to light the fire—no harm trying—! The wood's behind the wigwam. It may be wet. You could light it inside the wigwam, and then we'd get all the smoke in our eyes. Or you could light it outside, and then the rain would come and put it out. Here's my tinder-box. You wouldn't know how to use it, I expect."
~ Puddleglum, The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis
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Cowboy at Sunset

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Photo location: East 24th Street, Auburn

Remembering Summer

A lime tree

Reflection of a summer sky

A most interesting flower

These photos are from the Alhambra in Granada, Spain.
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Wintery Beach

A few candid images of my younger sister exploring the beach on a cold, winter day.

Out with the old...

Here are some photos fom New Years Day 2008 (ages ago, I know):

And then, while we were photographing, this little guy ran up and begged for a photo:

Photos taken at Les Gove Park